Sunday, January 2, 2011

Responsible? Not me!!

A four year old child clutches half a broken dish behind his back, the other half lay shattered in front of him.
No one asks how he broke it. Actually no one is around to ask how he broke it.
He leaves the pieces on the ground, throws the remaining chunk of dish next to it and spends the rest of his life claiming he has no idea how it got that way!
Must have been a conspiracy, a natural disaster, perhaps someone trying to harm him, or it just happened!!
No way did he have anything to do with that shattered mess.
He was just holding the dish and then it happened!

So goes the American people's involvement in the financial crash and trash of our nation's economy.

Break the Unions, Pander to the Rich

Our government generously sustained tax cuts to the top 2% of the nations wealthiest which I am sure they believe is their entitlement.
As Paul Krugman points out, Welcome to the Banana Republic!
The New York Times has a lengthy article describing the rising and ongoing resentment of the general public for unionized workers.
Basically the public is angry at unionized workers for not feeling the pain. Take away retirements. Get rid of "bad teachers". Cut off the cost of living increases.
Why should those who support the infrastructure of the Unites States (in so many ways) not suffer? Make them bleed!
Obama's "throw the bone" gesture of freezing government wage earners salaries is a pittance to the droves who believe government and union workers need to bleed. Cut them. Harm them. Obliterate them and kill the unions.
Why should anyone in this country be comfortable after corporations have outsourced the work, trailing  minimum wage  part time jobs, no pensions, expensive health care and non existent family coverage?

The rich, the corporations and the politicians shake their heads -how can one nation of people be so stupid as to eat their own?
Give them the cutlery and the cheap dishes made in China, they gleefully, scornfully proclaim behind closed doors.
Let's help them to a five course meal.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

United States of Kleptocracy

 I imagine  NY Times Paul Krugman , a Nobel Prize winning economist , writes with a heavy heart.
Each prediction he has made since the market crash  occurred. The past year he has been referring to our country as the upcoming banana republic:

Wikipedia definitions

Banana republic is a term that refers to a politically unstable country dependent upon limited agriculture (e.g. bananas), and ruled by a small, self-elected, wealthy, and (but not necessarily) corrupt politico-economic clique.

I would go one step further.Republicans, democrats, tea partiers and any other piss in the wind individuals who call themselves concerned citizens running to change government do not represent American people.

This is the definition o our government on both sides of the house as well as the little tea party tricklers: 
Kleptocracy, government by thieves, features influential government employees exploiting their posts for personal gain (embezzlement, fraud, bribery, etc.), with the resultant deficit repaid by the native working people who “earn money”, rather than “make money”. Because of foreign (corporate) manipulation, the government is unaccountable to its nation, the country's private sector–public sector corruption operates the banana republic, thus, the national legislature usually are for sale, and function mostly as ceremonial government.