Saturday, December 17, 2011

Las Vegas Police-Please don't notice me!!

Las Vegas Police shoot first so they don't have to fill out the paperwork later.

Monday, October 24, 2011

I admire you

I really do.

Standing on Principle -passe in this nation?

Sometimes doing the right thing in response to people who are without ethics is like making a sacrifice for the good of others only to be told you are a sucker.
I am not so sure there is a place in this world for people who live honestly.
Doing the right thing has to mean something deeply personal in order to accept the consequences of those who will try and destroy you in order to justify their behavior.
Admiration for those who stand up to be counted is almost nonexistent. Everyone says, "yeah, yeah" while they look the other way.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cell phone overages

Taking your chances with a cell phone company like AT+T or Verizon is plain foolish nowadays.

One year ago I switched to Boost. No contract. No overage charges. Internet, text, long distance-all one fee-50.00 After paying my bill on time for 6 months it was lowered to 45$.

Depending on the phone you get all the bells and whistles you want.
People seem to think it is  low tier phone company. I say go ahead and be foolish.

I used to have "surprise bills" all the time with T-Mobile.
Now I know exactly what I am going to pay each month.
Never again will I enter into servitude with a phone company contract.
Y'all are crazy for doing it.
Whoopee, the company will now warn you when you get close to the limit.
What good is that when you can have unlimited time, internet, text, and blue tooth for 50 bucks?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My amazement continues to find higher ground as the Bill O'Reillys, Rick Perry's and Salin Palin's of the world continue to take up valuable space in this country.
How can this be??

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Americans held hostage by Republican Stockholm Syndrome

Does it surprise me that American citizens believe those without insurance deserve to die?
Nah. Life in the US is a cheap commodity-almost one quarter of our children now live in poverty.
The unemployment rate is beyond measurable.
The hostility factor oozes from the pores of those divided on philosophy.

What do we have here?
The culmination of generations of arrogance and self centered parenting resulting in a country steeped in ignorance and a fiendish immaturity.
I hope America still contains enough rural, open spaces for those who feel the need to put their heads in the sand.
Ever hear of the Stockholm Syndrome?
The entire freakin country somehow  feels the need to identify with those in politics who will do them the most harm.
Go figure

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 We get it

Americans love to allow in their tragedies. We think we are the only ones who have suffered.
Yes, 9/11 was a huge tragedy.
Have we learned lessons from 9-11?
Look around you and ask yourself-
Are we a better nation?
Have those lives lost instilled in us a desire to make the United States a better place for all Americans?
Did we learn the lesson of uniting as a country?
Are we a better nation of humans?
Do we reach out to one another?
Do we care for our most vulnerable populations?
Do we consider our nations citizens precious?
Has our country become a better place to live?
Do we hold our government and politicians to the highest level of accountability and respect?
Is the United States a leading light for other countries to follow, showing democracy , in the  end, won?

What have we become since 9-11?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

White man for President

I will gag if I see one more tailored to the bone, fake tanned, dyed grey haired white man running for President.
These white elites have been screwing the national population since slavery.
Isn't anyone else out there sick of these polished rubes??
I haven't seen a one of them who doesn't come to the press conference looking like an evangelical  mega church minister.  I am so over these guys.
Give me a president who tells the hard truth, forgoes the botox and shows a little character in the face.
The only thing missing from the rich man's ensemble in the mullet. And the Capella group.
Which , of course. they are the lead.
Let's change this tacky trend.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Define obesity

A recent report states half  of the citizens in the US will be obese by 2030.
Does that mean the other half were already considered obese before  2030?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Human Stupidity-Ignorance or Arrogance?

Those who believe riding out Hurricane Irene is some kind of video game are just plain stupids.

There are two kinds of stupid people in this world.
Arrogant stupids and Ignorant stupids.

The Arrogant stupids believe they are entitled and all decisions regarding humanity revolve around their needs. They believe poverty is self inflicted and those disabled and weak deserve to perish.

The ignorant stupid believe, for some ungodly reason, if they follow the arrogant stupid in their arrogantly idiotic thinking, somehow it will empower them.

Try and figure that logic to some destination other than their stupid desire to perish.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"My Tax Money"

Beware of the citizen who throws in the phrase, "my tax money"-

Monday, August 1, 2011

Debt Ceiling Dysfunction

Of the Victory of  smaller government!
The debt ceiling debacle gives us American people the clearest snapshot of dysfunctional government at work.
Pretty frightening, eh?

Sunday, July 17, 2011


The gloom and doom the press literally shoved in the masses faces, in the hopes a story of mass chaos ensuing, just didn't occur.
Sensibility -a rare form of activity and thought process, just doesn't sell.
Y2K, Carmageddon,
 H.G. Wells  invented panic media-

Saturday, July 16, 2011

True Madness runs our country

Do they get it? No. we don't believe more tax breaks for corporations already paying megamillion dollar salaries to their CEO's will "stimulate the economy"
Do they understand that "WE< MIDDLE CLASS" do not believe in trickle down theory-the only trickelde down we see is the trickling away of our paychecks, benefits and health insurance.
We don't give a rats patootie about the debt ceiling TODAY-because MILLIONS are already unemployed and feeling hopeless-
True Madness runs our country-
I don't care to mention names because it polarizes whatever is printed here-
True madness is watching our citizens suffer while our government-i.e. ALL OF IT
play games with out lives, our children's future and the fabric of our "democracy"

words -will they ever have purpose again?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

When will we stand up and say no more-to both parties??

The debt ceiling is another opportunity to blame others rather than take responsibility.
Isn't anyone else in this country sick of electing greedy, immature , stupid people to office?
US citizens no longer have representation-
when do people get angry, frustrated and disgusted and stand up for change?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Angry Blame Game

How can anyone in our country point fingers to one political party or another  and, with moral certainty and outrage believe the blame lies with just one?
As a republic touting democracy, United States citizens have abdicated their rights and responsibilities -buying into the campaign with the best smear, the most money and such  grandiosity it makes Murdoch's empire look like a sorry little dictatorship.

Our country is so polarized we can't even debate an issue without believing our truth is absolute.
Big trouble for all of us.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Love the way Republicans quote, "uphold our constitutional rights" every time they put the screws to the American people.
Creative, brutal and callous to say the least.
When will the American public yell "Uncle!"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hate created for teachers, the educational system and the US government seems to be leading us to somewhere feeling quite familiar.
Isn't this how Hitler managed to sway an entire country to believe Jewish people should be exterminated to extinction and the country fervently supported this maniacal and diabolical  theory?
Having spent my life in the "helping professions" for low pay, I am constantly reeling from the medias lack of questioning, the political partisanship and the public hate converging on a group of people who have made teaching and caring for the country's children a mission for very little pay.
Easy to hate a group of professionals who think so little about themselves they would remain in a profession in which they are reviled, isn't it?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Austerity is the New Black

Americans are such foolish creatures. Five years ago they were taking out second mortgages on their houses so they could buy Hummers. Credit card debt was off the charts.
No wake up call could have convinced Americans the era of spend spend spend would end-ever.
Now a few short years later pious citizens and legislators think we can scrimp and save our way back to prosperity.
The media, the national pundits (is that code for bumbling idiots?) are speaking out as if they held the keys to the Everlasting pathway, and all the answers as well.
If we listened to them then-why are Americans still listening to them?
What a country of fools.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

America-Let the Games Continue

Who would have predicted America would become the country of crazies while dictatorships, kingdoms and repressed governments across the globe would flare to the sweet music of democracy?

What universal harmony has directed the United States to tear away the fabric of compassion, liberty and opportunity for every American and replace it with a country owned and operated by politicians owned and operated by multinational corporations?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Degrees of Inhumanity

Outrage isn't what it used to be.
Numbed by a barrage of culturally accepted, media hyped violent images, games, movies and real life violence, America has accepted higher degrees of inhumanity as the "new normal".
As we dumb down our education system and blame it on the teachers, ignore those most in need of our compassion and assistance, accept millions of unemployed fellow citizens -in fact, blame them for their unemployment and refuse to hire them, we plow on toward our goal:
Higher degrees of inhumanity, always with another explanation -another curious sound bite.
Human life in America continues to cheapen.
What other country on this planet is currently fighting three wars?
*yawn* says the dumbed down America. .

Sunday, March 27, 2011

When did you forget your money pays for the government?

Interesting that we pay taxes on all levels of government yet we have no rights in the say of they are allocated.
American citizens still haven't gotten the message -Politicians do not represent American citizens anymore.
Politicians represent the top ten percent of America-the wealthy and the corporations.
So vote away, American citizens
You already have voted away your freedoms .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Charlie Sheen-Americans love the self destruct channel

Amusing?  Entertaining?
Or we so disenfranchised from true human emotion that we find it entertaining to watch others meltdowns?
What is it? Cable has created stupidity or stupid people created stupid cable? 29 of 30 cable channels invoke the stupidity/disaster/ignorance theme. Even the History channel invokes the stupidity in television clause.
Americans love it.

Momentary Perspective

Japan's horrible disaster appeared to create about 60 seconds of reflection from our mostly self absorbed, narcissistic country-
After all, what do we REALLY have? Stuff can get washed away in seconds. Entire families can die within minutes, and in some cases, family members will never be located.
As I drive to work in the morning my renewed respect for this earth has me humbly acknowledging the power of  the mountains surrounding Las Vegas.
-Nature has a way of balancing itself- man can only destroy Earth for so long.
We seem to be feeling the effects of natures inability to balance all that we demand from it.
Millions of fish and birds dying, flooding, earthquakes, huge monster storms

If mankind can't get beyond the selfish destruction of its own planet, we will perish.
Earth will have another round of some form of life as it knows it, but we will not.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Skeleton of a University wants to build a new stadium

The University of Nevada-Las Vegas has suffered huge cuts by the past Governor and is line for more by the new one.
Ironically the headlines tout the very real possibility of building a huge new stadium.
It will be the first University in the nation with an illiterate  student body spending thousands to play football-
Or will it?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Give the American People what they Want

Americans want "less government" at every level.
They want to "pay" less for schools, health, welfare, disability, the elderly, women and children.
They don't mind paying for two wars costing millions of dollars.
They don't mind paying for "pork" as long as it comes to their state. They don't mind providing corporations with welfare and tax cuts.
They seem to believe big business will save us if we leave them alone.
Ironically big business, corporations and factories have already moved to third world countries so they can pay  pennies on the dollar for profit.
Give the American people what they want.
A death sentence for the elderly, the mentally ill, the disabled, a death sentence for those babies born with life threatening illnesses and no insurance.
Give the American people what they "shout for"
Guns, prisons, wars , death and starvation for those who can't "cut" it.
We can proudly call ourselves a third world country, much like Somalia and other poor third world nations allowing humans to die for profit.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cheering for Egypt as the US taps our phones, internet and bank records

Egypt's rallying masses calling for democracy reminds us the wish for freedom, the desire to be treated as individual humans with individual will-continues to drive our collective souls.
The consistent will to withstand violence, threats, fears connects us to that innate yearning -no-necessity for a collective dream of how we should live.
Isn't it ironic to watch the middle east stand tall, collectively fight and protest for freedom as we, the United States remove the right to freedoms, little by little, with not a peep.
Millions are unemployed, teachers and government employees are now being hunted down in states as if they are demons, corporations continue to make millions and millions in profits, Wall Street is making BILLIONS, and those pesky bonuses have returned, and our jobs are outsourced to third world countries where corporations can exploit the populations.
States are seeking ways to cut away the most vulnerable of  our people as funding dries up.
The attitude of the American people?
Let them die.
If they can't make it on their own-tough.

Citizens still have the impression welfare is a fat cat program which allows lazy, self indulgent citizens to sit home eating steak and drive SUV's.

The majority of our citizens. sadly and frighteningly are the Sarah Palin's. Unlearned, ignorant willing  to  follow whatever headline feeds their anger and the mantra, each time the anger overflows is punish, punish, punish.

We are a  nation who kills more people than any other, we love killing, guns are toys, We believe nothing is illegal unless you are caught, forgiveness is as cheap as a stick on tattoo.

The media? I am not sure whether ignorant and stupid people are hired or this trash is scripted. People believe what they want to believe, facts are extraneous.

I wonder what would have happened  if Martin Luther King were to give his speech today? We are a country believing every person of color is a threat yet the whites in this nation are clearly the minority.

When our government becomes the rainbow representing our nation, perhaps the corruption, arrogance, greed and disregard for our citizens will be replaced with those who have an understanding of true democracy and not  the elitist corporacracy we currently live by..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Responsible? Not me!!

A four year old child clutches half a broken dish behind his back, the other half lay shattered in front of him.
No one asks how he broke it. Actually no one is around to ask how he broke it.
He leaves the pieces on the ground, throws the remaining chunk of dish next to it and spends the rest of his life claiming he has no idea how it got that way!
Must have been a conspiracy, a natural disaster, perhaps someone trying to harm him, or it just happened!!
No way did he have anything to do with that shattered mess.
He was just holding the dish and then it happened!

So goes the American people's involvement in the financial crash and trash of our nation's economy.

Break the Unions, Pander to the Rich

Our government generously sustained tax cuts to the top 2% of the nations wealthiest which I am sure they believe is their entitlement.
As Paul Krugman points out, Welcome to the Banana Republic!
The New York Times has a lengthy article describing the rising and ongoing resentment of the general public for unionized workers.
Basically the public is angry at unionized workers for not feeling the pain. Take away retirements. Get rid of "bad teachers". Cut off the cost of living increases.
Why should those who support the infrastructure of the Unites States (in so many ways) not suffer? Make them bleed!
Obama's "throw the bone" gesture of freezing government wage earners salaries is a pittance to the droves who believe government and union workers need to bleed. Cut them. Harm them. Obliterate them and kill the unions.
Why should anyone in this country be comfortable after corporations have outsourced the work, trailing  minimum wage  part time jobs, no pensions, expensive health care and non existent family coverage?

The rich, the corporations and the politicians shake their heads -how can one nation of people be so stupid as to eat their own?
Give them the cutlery and the cheap dishes made in China, they gleefully, scornfully proclaim behind closed doors.
Let's help them to a five course meal.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

United States of Kleptocracy

 I imagine  NY Times Paul Krugman , a Nobel Prize winning economist , writes with a heavy heart.
Each prediction he has made since the market crash  occurred. The past year he has been referring to our country as the upcoming banana republic:

Wikipedia definitions

Banana republic is a term that refers to a politically unstable country dependent upon limited agriculture (e.g. bananas), and ruled by a small, self-elected, wealthy, and (but not necessarily) corrupt politico-economic clique.

I would go one step further.Republicans, democrats, tea partiers and any other piss in the wind individuals who call themselves concerned citizens running to change government do not represent American people.

This is the definition o our government on both sides of the house as well as the little tea party tricklers: 
Kleptocracy, government by thieves, features influential government employees exploiting their posts for personal gain (embezzlement, fraud, bribery, etc.), with the resultant deficit repaid by the native working people who “earn money”, rather than “make money”. Because of foreign (corporate) manipulation, the government is unaccountable to its nation, the country's private sector–public sector corruption operates the banana republic, thus, the national legislature usually are for sale, and function mostly as ceremonial government.