Sunday, March 4, 2012

Teachers screwed

We are so screwed. For years the district and the union worked hand in hand to keep teachers salaries low and teachers powerless. At least the marriage worked well for THEM. Now they are getting divorced and custody of the kids is all about the child support not the well being of them.
We are SO screwed. SO SCREWED.

Rush apologizes-all is well

Rush calls a woman a slut and a prostitute and now he is sorry,
Don't we all feel good now? Let's hold hands, sing Kumbaya together and get on with life.
Will the Rush Limbaughs of our society ever suffer real consequences, like shunning? Or will they just get a boost in salary and ratings and an attaboy from Fox News?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Las Vegas Police-Please don't notice me!!

Las Vegas Police shoot first so they don't have to fill out the paperwork later.

Monday, October 24, 2011

I admire you

I really do.

Standing on Principle -passe in this nation?

Sometimes doing the right thing in response to people who are without ethics is like making a sacrifice for the good of others only to be told you are a sucker.
I am not so sure there is a place in this world for people who live honestly.
Doing the right thing has to mean something deeply personal in order to accept the consequences of those who will try and destroy you in order to justify their behavior.
Admiration for those who stand up to be counted is almost nonexistent. Everyone says, "yeah, yeah" while they look the other way.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cell phone overages

Taking your chances with a cell phone company like AT+T or Verizon is plain foolish nowadays.

One year ago I switched to Boost. No contract. No overage charges. Internet, text, long distance-all one fee-50.00 After paying my bill on time for 6 months it was lowered to 45$.

Depending on the phone you get all the bells and whistles you want.
People seem to think it is  low tier phone company. I say go ahead and be foolish.

I used to have "surprise bills" all the time with T-Mobile.
Now I know exactly what I am going to pay each month.
Never again will I enter into servitude with a phone company contract.
Y'all are crazy for doing it.
Whoopee, the company will now warn you when you get close to the limit.
What good is that when you can have unlimited time, internet, text, and blue tooth for 50 bucks?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My amazement continues to find higher ground as the Bill O'Reillys, Rick Perry's and Salin Palin's of the world continue to take up valuable space in this country.
How can this be??